16K Video Footage

16K: A high resolution video format that measures approximately 16,000 pixels horizontally. StormStock® is the world’s first footage source to offer 16K video for license. All 16K content is produced and photographed by Martin Lisius.

View and download our best 16K stock footage preview clips now:

We also offer 4K video and 8K video.


About Our 16K Video

In 2018, Director/DP Martin Lisius set out to capture storms in the highest possible resolution he could achieve. “I am always looking for ways to make stormy weather more immersive, to bring the viewer to the storm with me,” Lisius said. As a result, a 16K video capture and workflow method was created. Using a two Canon EOS 5DS 50 megapixel cameras, and a custom-built mount he made, Lisius captured left and right images independently, stitched them together, 300-400 images at a time, and rendered them at 15,985 x 5792 pixels in a “Panavision 70” 2.76:1 aspect ratio. “The computer processing was so intense, we had to utilize two external fans to keep our 8-core computer from overheating,” Lisius said.

You can license Martin’s 16K video exclusively from Prairie Pictures’ StormStock collection, deliverable on ProRes 422 HQ. Contact us here about licensing.

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Already like what you see? Order, clean, full resolution master 16k clips now by completing our master footage order form.

Need a price quote? Tell us about your production and the rights you require using our price quote form and we’ll send you a licensing fee quote customized to meet your needs.

Have a question? That’s easy. Contact us and ask us any question that happens pop into your head.


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